Saturday, August 22, 2009

Who, what, where, why.

Hi. My name is Hannah, and I'm slightly obsessed with Star Trek. When I say slightly, I do mean slightly. That is, it's not as though I like or watch the bad versions. Juuust the first two series and the new movie; and only because of the new movie, really, so only since the new movie came out.

That said, this blog (officially undertaken in the name of Computer Science Summer 09, at the Art Institute of Philadelphia, for the record) is not intended to be exclusively about Star Trek, if only because I am notorious for being pretty much unable to stick to a theme. It was just the first cute name which came to me. "Spock's Brain", fyi, is an episode of the original series of Star Trek (I think I will actually use the acronym TOS from now on, cringe) from, I believe, season two, in which Spock's actual brain is actually stolen! By aliens! Who look exactly human! Man I love Star Trek.

Good lord! Okay, that is probably enough about freakin' Star Trek for one entry. Allow me to talk about me, which will at least be less boring for myself. I am a second-time undergraduate student; in addition to the associate's degree in web design I am currently attempting, I hold a BA in neuroscience from Oberlin College, which was a weird mixed bag of experiences. I never considered majoring in neuroscience until I decided to do it, sophomore year. It was very cool and very difficult, and I knew before I finished that I would probably never be a scientist; I have strange ideas about learning, I guess, or some bizarre Ayn Rand type idea that I can do anything I set my mind to, which I can partially attribute to growing up in the can-do, empowered 1990s. I thought I might use neuroscience knowledge to inspire art projects, or maybe become a medical illustrator. Upon re-examining the job market, however, I came to web design as a strategy to connect my graphic sensibilities to everyday life in these, our interesting times.

I know I don't get extra credit for prattling on, but one more thing: if Prof. Irwin hasn't figured this out, I'm the girl with the crutch. That happened almost four years ago, and the story is a little personal for me to go into. I'm not saying don't ask me anything if you're curious; I love describing my various cyborg surgeries and etc. (no sarcasm!) But, yeah; there's that, too.

More later, surely.

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